Thursday, October 10, 2013

Little Mermaid

This makes me so happy. This mermaid looks like me! Well, definitely more like me than Ariel did.
The curly dark hair and brown skin tone. :) :) :)

Chocolate Rain

Yesterday's post was Acid Rain. As I thought about acid rain, my thoughts turned to rain songs. Thus this post.
Chocolate Rain song
Yes, that's a mars bar.
It's funny, his voice sounds like vocal chocolate.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Acid Rain

I was reading this article about acidic rain today, and I decided to base my newest manicure on that. Not the song (I'm not even sure how I know that song...)- I didn't even remember that was the name of a song until I just wrote it down in the title box for the post. Either way, I suppose. :)
The base coat is Revlon 'Ocean Breeze'. There's an interesting polish. I really enjoy it. It spreads very well, and has this strange effect where one coat is so sheer you can use it to tint another color, but 2 coats is suddenly opaque.
The droplets are Dalia 409, also a really pretty color, a sparkly sort of forest green.
It had to be a quick manicure this time, since it's late and I have to get up in the morning. And it was. :)
I have some longer ones planned for when I have more time.

Liebster Award!

Liebster Award!

I can't believe I have an award, so soon after I began the blog.
Fedoraharp nominated me for it. :)

Heart of the Ocean

Inspired by Glitterbunny's 'Heart of the Ocean', which I was given by Fedoraharp, I created this manicure.
I used Chic's 'Midnight blues', Dalia 07 (the light shiny blue), and of course, for the heart, Glitterbunny 'Heart of the ocean'.
I think next time I'l give the glitterbunny a darker base, but I still like how it came out. :)

Well, since I couldn't decorate the chain collar, and was afraid that if i did anything to the flea collar, it would stop working, I made a dog tag for him. That way he can have my phone number on him in the unlikely case that he gets lost. And so, without further ado, here it is. :)

Monday, October 7, 2013

Nemo's new collar

Well, Nemo got a new collar today.
When I first got him, he had this thin little black collar. On a trip up north, he snapped the buckle on that collar. Admittedly, it was a little one. Still, it was meant for dogs his size, so I expected it would hold. Then I got him another, this time bigger, with a thicker plastic buckle as well. Today he snapped that buckle, in a burst of speed.
Let's not even mention the harness thing the vet suggested that he chewed apart in a day or two.
So now he has a new collar, a chain one this time. Let's see him break that!

Friday, October 4, 2013

So I figured it was about time for a post about Nemo, the dog in the title.
He's a lab mix, and he's the most adorable, most playful, most cute- nearly one year old dog around.
He knows lots of tricks. He can sit, lay down, play dead, give a high five, jump, stand up, and turn around. And he's well behaved too (most of the time).
Anyhow, the weather here is just starting to get cooler, but I decided to get a head start. It's commonly known that small dogs get cold in the winter, but many don't realize that large dogs get cold too. Only the shorthairs of course. So from lack of available big dog sweaters, and also a lack of money and patience to knit anything, I sewed Nemo a dog coat today.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

College Notebooks

I took one class before the beginning of the school year, and it filled a big notebook and a half in two months or so. That's when I realized that I was not going to be buying as many notebooks as it would take for a year's worth of a bunch of classes. That would be an incredible waste of money and weight on my back, and trees.
Unfortunately, I can't afford another computer. Sooooo here's what I came up with!

During the process of creating this blog, as I was searching for a background, I found this and knew I had to recreate it. I love orcas. :)
So I did. :)
Here' the finished product

and here are the colors I used.
generic numbered colors from Dalia (black) and Dreams (shiny white) as well as a Revlon (Ocean Breeze), Chic (Blue Moon) , and a Glitterbunny (Heart of the Ocean)

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

And yet another continuation of this 31 day challenge. :)
Fashion + Pattern
The pattern I chose was puppy feet. Then I wanted to combine it with fashion=
Cruella Deville
Based on Van Gogh's 'Starry Night'
Doesn't do it justice of course, but this is one of my favorite pieces of art.

A flag:
The Israeli flag.
The Supernatural:
That wolf howling at the moon? That was really hard!

*Continuation of post 1*
Blue nails:
Doctor who, of course. I didn't do tardis nails however, because Fedoraharp did.
I did make that tardis blue though. Just in case.

Hi! This is my first post on nemonails blog!
Since you don't know yet, this blog will be devoted to my nail art and my dog, Nemo. Occasionally there will also be other pictures or references, just for fun. :)
As such, I am uploading the 31 day challenge of nail art in one post, so it will be here, even though the challenge just ended. This is the challenge I refer to:
Right. So here are the nails this challenge inspired. Sometimes I combined two themes, so I could keep up.
Red nails:
Orange nails:
Of course it's nemo! what did you expect?