Monday, October 7, 2013

Nemo's new collar

Well, Nemo got a new collar today.
When I first got him, he had this thin little black collar. On a trip up north, he snapped the buckle on that collar. Admittedly, it was a little one. Still, it was meant for dogs his size, so I expected it would hold. Then I got him another, this time bigger, with a thicker plastic buckle as well. Today he snapped that buckle, in a burst of speed.
Let's not even mention the harness thing the vet suggested that he chewed apart in a day or two.
So now he has a new collar, a chain one this time. Let's see him break that!

I got it from the awesome people from whom I buy his food, from whom I got him. <3 They're going to send me puppy pictures of him! [I only got him when he was 3 months old] So stay posted. :)
In the meantime, here's Nemo showing off his shiny new collar. :)

Also, I was planning to decorate his collar, but I can't do that on chain, so I may decorate the white one (his flea collar).

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